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The Gemstone for the 55th Anniversary

Somewhat of a modern day mood ring, Alexandrite is famous for changing colors in different types of light. Most popularly from green in natural light to reddish-purple in artificial light.

Known for bringing joy & releasing sorrow, the Alexandrite was only discovered in 1830, making it one of the most recent geological discoveries.

Since being discovered, it has been believed to hold significant abilities that aid wearers in connecting with the divine. This includes facilitating communication & resonating at the highest frequency, love, and joy.

As scientists studied the color-changing gemstone, they realized there was a lesson to be learned from its seemingly magical characteristics. Not only does Alexandrite represent joy, but it also represents the fact that our life depends entirely on what we choose to receive from it. Like the multiple colors of this stone, joy comes from within. 

Unlike other gemstones, Alexandrite is a primarily spiritual stone that is meant to bring balance between the material & spiritual worlds. 

It is important to note that Alexandrite is an 8.5 on the Mohs hardness scale. This makes it an incredibly hard stone that is more durable for rings, much like diamonds. 

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Tap to view each Alexandrite on our website.


Another gemstone that is known to bring forth joy to its wearer, Moonstone is also incredibly balancing & emotionally healing. 

As we know, the moon is symbolic of feminine energy. Due to its phases and cycles, the Earth is able to remain in harmony and within an ebb-and-flow sort of balance. Moonstone can do just that for its wearer. Just by looking at this stone, you can tell there is a balance of reflected light, colors, and sheen. The physical properties Moonstone holds are also reflected in its spiritual properties. 

The harmonic frequency of the moonstone encourages us to pay attention to the seasons of our own life. While also bringing us the peace necessary to flow through each cycle in a way where we can grasp the knowledge and experience meant to be gained.

Moonstone is a great stone for those with heightened emotions. It has been known to ease the energy in people who tend to be irritable, impatient, and irrational. This is because, much like knowing that the moon controls the seasons and the tides give us a higher perspective, the moonstone can give wearers the ability to gain a higher perspective in their own lives.

Overall this stone teaches us an incredible life lesson: surrender to change and the natural progress of life.

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Underwoods Custom Moonstone rings.


The Gemstone for the 3rd & 30th Anniversary

Sometimes referred to as the “Queen of Jewels” pearls have maintained their timeless quality for thousands of years. A great example of this is the way Queen Elizabeth is displayed through out her entire reign commonly choosing her pearls over any diamond or gemstone jewelry.

It is important to note that pearls are one of the only gemstones that are organic, coming from a living creature. Most today are organically farmed through the process of culturing, where growth materials are implanted into a living mollusk, where a cultured pearl then forms and is harvested. Natural pearls are one of the World’s rarest jewels due to the fact that wild oysters have a dwindling population, including the fact that most do not even possess a pearl.

In line with our other June birthstones, Pearls symbolize growth and wisdom. The stones undergo a beautifully relatable process of starting out as organic waste that the mollusk then encapsulates in layers and layers of nacre turning into the prized pearl. Symbolic of our own human lives as we grow, layers of wisdom and armor are developed through our experiences that eventually culminate to create our best selves. 

The sacred pearl has the benefit of bringing its wearer serenity, protection, enlightenment, and confidence. They have also historically been known to ground their owners and balance their aura. In terms of healing, pearls have been known to aid in digestion, promote fertility, and easy childbirth.

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View more pearl jewelry on our website HERE

Contact us to inquire about purchasing jewelry or creating a custom piece of your own.

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